Self Growth Group

Have you been feeling stuck in your life? This group might help you!

Join a group of fellow supportive travelers.

Over the course of a year, we will cover four themes:

  1. Emotional Intelligence (ability to perceive yourself and others and control your emotions)
  2. Self Compassion (ability to treat yourself with kindness and self forgiveness)
  3. Emotional Maturity (ability to express thoughts and emotions with responsibility and boundary setting)
  4. Intentional Living (ability to understand your personal values & apply them to your future goals)

We will meet for 10 week blocks to cover each theme, with each block building upon the others.

Meeting once a week for 90 minutes, we will start with the first theme in September 2024.

The group is limited to no more than 10 people to give everyone an opportunity to actively participate and share.

Though there is a therapeutic process, this group is educational in nature, and will not be about deeply sharing challenges; that type of sharing is better suited for personal therapy.

The fee for each 10 week block is $500.

Registration will start in August 2024.

Please complete this form if you are interested, we will reach out to you with more details: